Leathery soft bracket fungi

Leathery to soft, bracket-shaped or stalked fungi (lower surface with small pores, or smooth).


NameImageDescriptionNZFungi Entry


Fruiting bodies in confluent (growing together) groups on dead wood, readily identified by the distinctly grey lower poroid surface. Saprobic.
Only one species in New Zealand.


Fruiting at ground level from buried wood or roots, or on logs in native forests, and forming a large compound fruiting body with a poroid lower surface
Represented in New Zealand by a single species.


Fruiting bodies crust-like and sometimes with narrow brackets, closely resembling Stereum. C. purpureum is common on a wide range of introduced hosts.
The endemic C. vesiculosum is found in native forest.


Superficially very similar to Inonotus with brown, thin, bracket-like, poroid fruiting bodies, but fruiting bodies of Cyclomyces are much thinner and more flexible than those of Inonotus.
A single common species in New Zealand.


Brackets are relatively thin (less than 1 cm thick in the 3 New Zealand species) and have a distinctive lower surface of thickened and branched gill-like ridges or a cross between radially arranged gills and pores.
In production pine forests, G. sepiarium is a common species.


Fruiting bodies small and with lower poroid surface. The most distinctive of three NZ species of Gloeoporus is the all-white G. phlebophorus.


Fruiting bodies with brown poroid lower surface, rather similar to Phellinus, but annual rather than perennial and with typically smaller, thinner fruiting bodies.
There are four species in New Zealand, often requiring microscopic features for identification. On native beech I. nothofagi is common and easily identified.


Highly distinctive genus in New Zealand with single species, forming large annual fruiting bodies, on living beech.


Forming large fleshy poroid fruiting bodies, mostly developing at ground level at the base of affected trees.
New Zealand has a single, introduced species.


Fruiting body appearance superficially resembles a stalked gilled mushroom or a small bolete, but the texture is much firmer; the lower surface of the cap has pores. There are at least 10 species in NZ, but the most common is P. arcularius.


Readily distinguished from the related genus Trametes by its bright orange bracket-shaped fruiting bodies, the colour similar on both upper and on lower poroid surface
One species present in New Zealand.


Fruiting bodies on mostly fallen wood, very thin and with a smooth undersurface.
There are at least 12 species of Stereum in New Zealand, some that ‘bleed’ when cut.
Many other fungi previously called Stereum, with similar ‘sterioid’ features, have been renamed in several other genera distinguished on the basis of microscopic features.


Fruiting bodies typically in groups, thin, with poroid, usually white to cream, lower surface and concentric, smooth to hairy upper surface.
At least six species in New Zealand with T. versicolor the most common in urban environments.