

Corticioid fungi forming white, yellowish or buff, flat adherent fruiting bodies. Hymenial (sporeproducing) surface may be smooth, cracked, or have fine teeth or pores. Macroscopically, Hyphodontia is similar to many other genera of corticioid fungi and needs to be identified by its distinct microscopic characters such as typical branching pattern of hyphae and sterile cells (cystidia).
Members of this genus are very common on the underside of dead wood and cause a white rot (i.e. they produce enzymes that can degrade all components of wood cell walls).
Taxonomically poorly understood, there are at least 12 species in New Zealand but more are likely to be identified with further study. Three species are endemic.


NZFungi Entry

Hyphodontia crustosa

Close-up of the surface.
Common, particularly in the North Island.